The iron king the iron fey book 1 julie kagawa
The iron king the iron fey book 1 julie kagawa

the iron king the iron fey book 1 julie kagawa

Kagawa clearly knows her stuff when it comes to the various different species of the Fey, and they were colourful and terrifying and leapt out at you from the words on the page. So what? It didn't really inspire any great empathy from me.īut, grow a backbone is exactly what Meghan did when she entered the faery world, and suddenly she became a much more likeable character. So they photoshopped your head onto someone else's naked body. I was practically screaming at her in my head to grow a backbone and stand up to the bullies. Frankly, Meghan's human life and teenage trials I found completely banal.

the iron king the iron fey book 1 julie kagawa

But, once you start seeing the true nature of the world, you will always see it. When Ethan is taken and replaced by a cruel impersonation, a changeling child, Meghan has to open her eyes to a world she never even knew existed – the faery world. Meghan thinks turning sixteen will signal a change in their fortunes – she'll be able to drive, get them out of hickville once in a while.īut then mysterious things, part of Meghan's life since her father literally disappeared when she was six, start happening more frequently, and Meghan starts seeing things that aren't there. Her only friend in the world is Robbie, her happy-go-lucky next door neighbour, who can always make her laugh. She's never fitted in at school, where bullies relentlessly target her, nor at home, where her family always seem slightly surprised to find her there – except her little brother, Ethan, they barely remember her as soon as she leaves the room. Meghan Chase has always found her life slightly odd. Summary: Slow to start, but soon catapults you into a brilliantly imagined world, populated by frightening faeries of every variety.

The iron king the iron fey book 1 julie kagawa